While our core business is providing SMEs, we also impart value to our clients by identifying the ideal mix of resources necessary for a successful consulting project. We also provide clinical leadership to augment your pursuit team, which allows our experts to be on the ground during the consulting engagement.
Clinical SME
The Right Resources
Clinical Leadership
Sample Clinical SME
•Peri-operative RN leader, served as VP of peri-operative services at large multi-hospital systems. Served in interim positions including CNO
•Lab Director with expertise in all aspects of clinical lab services including automation and LIS
• RN leader with care design expertise, patient journey and care navigation. DSRIP, multi-site facilities management including all patient care and support services
•Radiation oncology administrative leader with expertise in all aspects of inpatient and outpatient radiation oncology services
•Clinical specialist with expertise in service line design and implementations
•Hospitalist clinical leader with expertise in implementation and commercialization of Hospitalist programs
•Anesthesia clinical SME with expertise in care team design, peri-op integration, coding and documentation